Agricultural Business Council Honors Two Agribusiness Leaders


After a year’s interruption caused by COVID-19 in 2020, Kansas City’s Agricultural Business Council got its 2021 Awards Luncheon back on track at historic Union Station’s Chamber Board Room. Receiving the Jay B. Dillingham Award for Agricultural Leadership and Excellence – the Council’s highest recognition – were Diane Olson, retired Missouri Farm Bureau, and Dr. Ralph Richardson, most recently dean and CEO of Kansas State University Olathe campus.

Event Master of Ceremonies and Council Vice Chair Dustin Johansen, a business development executive at Farm Journal Media, noted that this year’s Awards Luncheon coincided almost to the date with the passing of Jay B. Dillingham 14 years ago. “As we reflect on Kansas City’s agricultural heritage, a major part of that revolved around the Kansas City Stockyards,” Johansen said. “Even though that era is behind us, we remember and respect how it shaped our city.” Johansen also recognized eight past recipients of the award who were in attendance at this year’s event.  John Dillingham, son of Jay B. Dillingham, provided remarks on behalf of the family.

Honoree Diane Olson, regarded by her colleagues as a ‘rockstar’ during her 34-year career, was introduced by Garrett Hawkins, president of Missouri Farm Bureau. She began her Farm Bureau career in November 1985 and has been a state and national leader in promoting agriculture in new and innovative ways ever since. She was a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and coordinated Missouri’s Agriculture in the Classroom Program; served as president of the National Agriculture in the Classroom organization; hosted three National Agriculture in the Classroom Conferences, two of which were held in Kansas City. 

“Agriculture plays an important role in Kansas City,” said Olson, “And I was privileged throughout my career with Missouri Farm Bureau to work with other leaders in the area to promote its importance. It was rewarding to serve the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City from its inception to the organization it has become.”

No less a luminary himself, Kansas State University President and U.S. Air Force General Richard Myers introduced award recipient Ralph Richardson, DVM. Dr. Richardson served as dean and CEO of the K-State Olathe campus for four years after serving as dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University from 1998-2015. In his remarks upon receiving the award, he said, “I’m honored beyond words to be a recipient of the Jay B Dillingham Award. Having grown up in a home with deep roots in agriculture, being involved in veterinary medicine and public health as a profession, and being an active part of agriculture in the region through Kansas State University, the Animal Health Corridor, and the Agricultural Business Council makes this recognition particularly meaningful to me. I’m sincerely humbled and deeply thankful.”

Dr. Richardson was a member of the inaugural board of directors of the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor, and facilitated the creation of numerous programs at K-State such as the Beef Cattle Institute, the Center for Vector-borne Diseases, the expansion of the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, and the building of the National Bio- and AgroDefense Facility.

Presenting sponsor of the event was John Deere.