American Royal Gears Up for Spring with Field Trips, Rodeo, and Volunteer Opportunities

The American Royal is calling on community members to help make its annual spring events a success, from engaging youth field trips to high-energy rodeo nights and food competitions. Here's how you can get involved and experience the Royal spirit firsthand.

Spring Youth Rodeo Field Trip Set for April 22–24

This year’s Youth Rodeo Field Trip is shaping up to be the biggest yet, with over 4,000 students registered to attend from April 22 to 24. The American Royal is seeking volunteers to help deliver an unforgettable experience for these young learners.

Support is needed in a variety of roles, including:

  • Guiding students through educational activities

  • Assisting with registration

  • Supporting transportation logistics

With more students participating than ever before, volunteer involvement is critical to the success of this event and helps create a meaningful and memorable experience for all attendees.

Volunteers can sign up here: Register to Volunteer for the Field Trip

Get the Royal Treatment at the ProRodeo – May 1–3

Fans are invited to experience the American Royal ProRodeo like never before with exclusive VIP ticket packages available May 1–3. With only 26 tickets available per level per night, this is a truly limited opportunity to go behind the scenes and enjoy premium perks.

VIP Packages Include:

  • Ultimate VIP Package: Front-row seating, Cowboy Hospitality access, Behind-the-Chutes Tour, American Royal SWAG, and more.

  • VIP Tour & Reserved Seat: Second-row seating, an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour, and Cowboy Hospitality access.

Tickets are limited—secure your spot today: Reserve VIP Tickets

Volunteer Opportunities for Spring Events

The American Royal is also seeking volunteers for a variety of upcoming spring events, including:

  • Spring Livestock Show – March 28–30

  • Sauce & Rub Contests – Various dates

  • Youth Rodeo Field Trip – April 22–24

Volunteer tasks range from assisting with registration and event logistics to guiding students through learning stations and supporting transportation.

Get involved and make a difference: Sign Up to Volunteer

Whether you're looking to volunteer, support youth education, or enjoy an unforgettable rodeo night, the American Royal has a way for everyone to get involved this spring.

Digging Deeper...

Farmers markets are pure Americana -- a reenactment of years past when agriculture provided a livelihood for 90% of an emerging American population. Now they’re a social bridge between urban and rural communities, encouraging interactions between producers and consumers. For farmers, these markets also offer an opportunity to supplement their incomes. Besides fresh produce, meats and eggs, farmers market patrons come away with a deeper appreciation for local food commodities and the effort it takes to produce them. But they also get something else. By Dennis McLaughlin, McLaughlin Writers LLC. Sources: Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, January 21, 2025; Farmers Market Coalition; Farmers Market Coalition/Bret Shaw, University of Wisconsin–Madison Extension; USDA, 2022 Census of Agriculture, October 16, 2024; InFlow Inventory.

Farmers Markets Are Healthy in Surprising Ways

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Farmers Market Coalition concluded that farmers market shoppers enjoy health benefits beyond consumption of fresh fruits, produce and meats. The study found widespread benefits accruing to folks who regularly visit farmers markets. The findings were published in the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, January 21, 2025. Critically, the study supports the notion that farmers markets provide a less obvious benefit as a community space-- a vital community hub that boosts health, fosters social connections and supports local economies

The survey also found that an astonishing 80% of Americans visit a farmers market at least once per year, and 41% were frequent attendees – attending six or more times per year. “Farmers markets are cherished spaces where people connect with their food, their farmers and their neighbors,” said Darlene Wolnik, senior project manager at the Farmers Market Coalition and co-author of the report. “They offer a unique shopping experience that strengthens community bonds and promotes healthy living.”

This high participation in the survey underscores the significant role farmers markets play in the lives of many, noted Bret Shaw, co-author and University of Wisconsin–Madison Extension Environmental Communication Specialist and Associate Professor in the Department of Life Sciences Communication for the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. 

“Our research highlights the positive impacts farmers markets have on the health and well-being of individuals and communities,” Shaw said.  “People are drawn to markets not only for the fresh, high-quality food but also for the sense of community and connection they provide.”

Key findings of the University of Wisconsin/Farmers Market Coalition:

  • Improved Health: Over 75% of attendees reported eating healthier due to their farmers market purchases.

  • Community Connection: Nearly half (48%) reported connecting with others in their community at the market.

  • Local Economic Boost: 49% shopped at nearby local businesses and 42% ate at local restaurants when visiting the market, demonstrating a significant positive impact on the local economy.

 “Farmers markets provide health, economic, and social benefits to communities. With those benefits in mind, we see potential for new or expanded partnerships between farmers markets and local governments, businesses, and community organizations to promote and sustain farmers markets,” said Laura Witzling, lead author of the study and a consultant for the Farmers Market Coalition.

Lively interactions with neighbors and farmers can create a sense of local connection, concluded market researchers at InFlow Inventory, a software company for small and mid-sized companies. When InFlow asked farmers market shoppers in 2024 about the benefits of visiting a farmers market, it learned that the social atmosphere and community engagement are top selling points and these “markets are a vibrant social hub” Similarly, USDA surveys  frequently note that product freshness, community engagement and support of local businesses are key motivators for consumers.

Spreading the Health

Consumers’ pursuit of personal health and wellness generally begins with food.  Before they get a gym membership or join a running group, people are likely to jump-start their health kick with a healthier diet. And it appears a significant group of Americans are finding that a good place to purchase nutritious food is at a farmers market. This consumer preference has spurred sales in the farm-to-market space over several years of late. Data from USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture, released by the department in 2024, show that producers and managers of farmers markets have enjoyed a meaningful bump in income.

USDA said producers sold $17.5 billion in food in 2022 through direct marketing channels, which include farmers markets. That was a 25 % increase (after adjusting for inflation) since the 2017 Census of Agriculture and an annual real growth rate of 4.6 %. To be sure, this increase over 2017 was driven by a surge in food sold not only at farmers markets but also at farm-to-market retail outlets, institutions and intermediate markets and does not include sales through traditional channels such as co-ops.

The actual share of U.S. farmers markets’ income is closer to $2 billion, according to the USDA. By the agency’s count in 2024, there are about 8,000 farmers markets doing business in American communities – on average pulling in $233,000 a season.  While farmers markets come in all sizes, some back of the envelope math suggests the average vendor could raise $5,000 in extra revenue per season. While the sum doesn’t represent a windfall, it’s meaningful extra cash flow for some small family farmers. 

Customer Satisfaction

The popularity of farmers markets in the U.S. can be attributed to several interrelated factors that resonate with consumers’ evolving preferences and values regarding fresh, healthy food and over-the-counter interactions, said USDA in its 2024 presentation of its 2022 Census of Agriculture.  “Data and statistics from other surveys help illustrate some of these reasons by providing evidence of consumer preferences and experiences,” USDA authors said. Researchers found that 97% of respondents to the 2022 survey rated product freshness and flavor as “very significant” or “very essential” reasons for shopping at local farmers markets.

Transparency and trust in food sources and stewardship of the environment are also concerns for farmers market patrons. “Over 51% of respondents said they trust the quality of ingredients at farmers markets more than they do supermarket food,” said the Farmers Market Coalition in a recent statement. The Coalition also noted that farmers markets address the multifaceted needs and values of today’s consumers, “making them an integral part of the local food landscape.”

There’s More to Farmers Markets

So says the Farmers Market Coalition. Here’s what it’s saying. Farmers Markets:

Preserve America’s rural livelihoods and farmland – Farmers markets provide one of the only low-barrier entry points for beginning farmers, allowing them to start small, test the market, and grow their businesses.

Stimulate local economies – Growers selling locally create 13 full-time farm operator jobs per $1 million in revenue earned. Those that do not sell locally create three jobs.

Increase access to fresh, nutritious food – Several studies have found lower prices for conventional and organic produce at farmers markets than at supermarkets. Due to this and other factors, 52% more SNAP households shop at farmers markets and from direct marketing farmers today than in 2011.

Support healthy communities – Farmers market vendors educate their shoppers. Four out of five farmers selling at markets discuss farming practices with their customers, and three in five discuss nutrition and how to prepare food.

Global Population Decline Bringing Changes to Ag Industry

Photo by Jim Barcus Photos

A global decline in population will have significant impacts for agriculture, which is currently able to overproduce food for the entire world. That was a key insight delivered at the 9th Ag Innovation Forum, presented by the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and the National Institute for Animal Agriculture.  Contrary to the widespread conventional fears of demographers only a decade or so ago – that global population growth would outstrip agriculture’s ability to feed it – keynote speaker Todd Thurman, founder and CEO of Swine Insights International, LLC, said, “If we continued to produce food at our current level going into 2062, we would still be providing 127% of the minimum calories per person.” He also commented that the ag industry is extremely proud of its accomplishment of being able to feed so many people. “It’s nothing short of remarkable, but changes are coming.”

Event opening keynoter Matt Olson, manager of Precision Ag Go-to-Market at John Deere, focused on the changing landscape in agriculture. He explained how historically farming relied on mechanical efficiency and individual expertise. Modern agriculture now integrates digital technology, automation and data, and data-driven decision making.  Farmers require seamless connections with agronomists, equipment and digital platforms, he said. But, he added, “An important component of innovation and development is that technology must have a value for the customer or user of technical advances.”

Value was the focus of the event, particularly for producers and farmers trying to get a handle on AI data and precision agriculture systems. In her keynote remarks closing the Ag Innovation Forum, Polly Ruhland, FTI Consulting’s senior managing director for Business Strategy & Transformation, Food & Agribusiness, stressed the importance of enabling, implementing, and managing innovation in all day-to-day operations of any business.

It’s one thing to have new technology at hand, Ruhland said, but companies and operations need to continue to develop strategies to improve supply chain resilience, durability, and innovation that optimize efficiency and enhance sustainability. She noted only 27% of U.S. farms or ranches used precision agriculture practices for managing crops or livestock, according to a 2023 USDA report.

Challenges For Ag Innovators

This year’s Ag Innovation program included three panel discussion exchanges, drilling down on the obstacles and opportunities of introducing high tech to traditional farming. Panel moderators – Kim Young, president, Animal Health Corridor; J.J. Jones, executive director, National Institute for Animal Agriculture; Paul Koffman, executive director Livestock Technology Solutions, Merck Animal Health – questioned the approach of some ag tech developers, financial specialists, and venture capitalists, noting that entrepreneurs and investors benefit when they appreciate the nuances of agricultural production economics.

Polly Ruhland identified a number of barriers dimming producers’ enthusiasm for ag innovation, which included high upfront adoption costs, unclear ROI and long production cycles. She also said farmers prefer time-proven methods. She implied there can be a lack of trust among farmers and producers regarding the effectiveness of high tech. Jarrod Westfall, executive chairman, ILS Beef, said, “Beef is unlike any other protein; investors and innovators don’t know about producer operations and systems.”  

Alexa McCuistion, innovation project manager for Dairy Farmers of America, said tech engineers and specialists must listen more closely to what producers actually want from a tech platform. Stop trying to make them adapt to your technology, she suggested, and see how your technology can be adapted to their needs, understanding and aptitude.

Westfahl added another insight about challenges tech developers face when working in the beef space. Entrepreneurs, AI pioneers and platform designers come from all backgrounds and work experience. They are confident their innovations and data accumulation breakthroughs are applicable to a variety of industries. Beef producers work in an environment of tight margins, Westfahl said, and their main concern is whether advanced agri-tech innovation will increase margins.

Experts participating in the AI and Agriculture discussion agreed AI can be a positive for farmers and livestock producers. “But research and development must be ongoing to ensure we are distributing good information,” said Ash Sweeting, vice president, Agscent. Toward that goal, he said AI engineers and innovators need to increase collaboration with universities and veterinarians. Daniel Foy, co-founder and CEO, AgriGates, posed the question AI developers need to ask themselves: “Are we solving problems or searching for them?”

Mayor Quinton Lucas provided an upbeat report on his administration’s awareness that agriculture has been the backbone of Kansas City’s history and development. He said the city enjoys active, productive relations with state and federal agriculture agencies and officials. “Everyone is on the same page.”

Kansas Lawmakers Optimistic About Farm Bill

Speaking during Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City’s March meeting at K-State Olathe, both U.S. Congressional Representative Sharice Davids and Senator Jerry Moran were upbeat about passing a Farm Bill by this year’s August recess. Sen. Moran said lawmakers appear to have the wind behind their backs to push the legislation forward. “Whether it’s the House bill that came out of the House Agriculture Committee or it’s the draft that Sen. John Boozman, Arkansas, produced earlier as the Senate Agriculture Committee’s ranking member,” Sen. Moran noted, “something will be passed.” Sen. Boozman was recently appointed chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee.

The bill’s nutrition program funding could be an obstacle, said the Senator, implying that addressing portions of a new Farm Bill in the reconciliation process is possible. “If the alternative is doing nothing, then doing something in agriculture, particularly putting the commodity title in reconciliation, would have some merit.” He added, “It is important for us to do the whole thing. If we only do part of it, it may be that we never get back to the other parts.” 

Rep. Davids said that USDA’s nutrition programs need to be effective and efficient “and do what they’re intended to do.” She also commented, “I’m not going to pretend we’re all in agreement.”

But she noted her top priority is to ensure the Farm Bill serves the farmers in Kansas and its 3rd district as best as it can. “We really need to be thoughtful and intentional,” she noted. The Farm Bill has to help farmers be successful, she noted. “But not dependent.” Rep. Davids is adamant that the Farm Bill protects crop insurance. “So that farmers can make a living while feeding the world.”

NAMA Awards Petersen “Ag Association Leader of the Year”


Bob Petersen [photo by jim barcus photos]


The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) has named Bob Petersen the Ag Association Leader of the Year for his work leading the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City, from which he retired in September 2024.

In recognizing Petersen, NAMA provided the following citation:

Bob Petersen has spent his career fostering collaboration, advocacy, and education within the agricultural sector. As a founding leader and longtime Executive Director of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City, he expanded the organization’s influence, growing its membership to over 700 stakeholders. His leadership in launching the Ag Outlook Forum and securing the relocation of key USDA agencies to Kansas City highlights his lasting impact on national agribusiness policy and workforce development. Petersen’s legacy of service continues to inspire industry professionals and future agricultural leaders.

The Ag Association Leader of the Year award, first awarded in 2018, is among the highest honors in the industry. The award recognizes outstanding achievement in association or commodity organization. Petersen will receive the award at the Agri-Marketing Conference in April 2025.

Background on Bob Petersen

Robert Petersen retired September 1, 2024 following a 50-year career in agriculture, 20 of those serving as principal of Petersen Consulting Services, now Petersen & Company. Petersen spent 20 years in Washington, DC at the helm of a national grain trade organization.  In 2000, he and his family re-located to Kansas City where he held several prominent roles, including president of the Kansas City Board of Trade (2000-2004) and president of the American Royal (2010-2015). He is a native of the Burwell, Nebraska where he was raised on a family ranch.  He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Background on NAMA

The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) is the premier organization for professionals in agribusiness marketing and communications. Founded over 60 years ago, NAMA boasts more than 3,500 professional and student members in the agricultural industry across 23 chapters.

Veteran Kansas Corn, Missouri Pork, Leaders to Receive Dillingham Awards for Agricultural Service

Greg Krissek

Don Nikodim

Kansas City, MO— The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City will recognize Greg Krissek, CEO Emeritus of Kansas Corn, and Don Nikodim, the retired Executive Vice President of the Missouri Pork Association (MPA) with the Jay B. Dillingham Award for Agricultural Leadership and Excellence.

Said Council spokesman Zach Helder, “Greg and Don are richly deserving of the Council’s recognition. In addition to their decades of advocacy on behalf of Kansas and Missouri agricultural producers, their leadership helped shape the economic and policy landscape for corn and meat production and fuel Kansas City’s growing status as the agricultural capital of the U.S.”

The Council will formally recognize Krissek and Nikodim at the Council’s annual awards luncheon on May 15, 2025.

About the Honorees

Greg Krissek, a native of Kansas City, Kansas, served as CEO of Kansas Corn (Kansas Corn Growers Association and Kansas Corn Commission) from 2014 to 2023, transitioning to CEO Emeritus and now serving as Senior Advisor. With over 35 years of experience in agriculture, ethanol, renewable energy, and public policy, he has held leadership roles at the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Kansas Corn, ICM Inc., and Kennedy and Coe, LLC.

Krissek has served on numerous ethanol and agricultural boards, including seven ethanol plant boards, as well as Growth Energy, National Sorghum Producers and AFA. He co-chairs the Triazine Network and is a member of the US Grains Council’s Middle East North Africa Asia Advisory Team. He previously chaired the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and the Kansas FFA Foundation Board of Trustees and was with a member of the Farm Foundation Roundtable and National Corn Growers Association. He and his wife, Beth, live in Manhattan, KS.

Don Nikodim served as Executive Director of the Missouri Pork Association from December 1983 until 2024.  In that position, he led fundraising for and construction of the new office facilities in 1985 and the Pork Place restaurant at the Missouri State Fair in 2009.  In addition to traditional programs of promotion, research and consumer information, Nikodim led a focus on leadership, youth activities and producer education. Additionally, he served as a lobbyist at the state level to represent the Missouri Pork industry, and on numerous committees and task forces for the National Pork Producers Council, National Pork Board, US Meat Export Federation, University of Missouri, Missouri Department of Agriculture, and related agencies. Nikodim currently serves on the Missouri Agricultural Leaders of Tomorrow Board as well as the State FFA and 4H Foundation Boards.

Previously, Nikodim had worked as University of Missouri Extension Farm Management Specialist, Executive Secretary for the Poland China Swine Record Association, Inc. and as a Vocational Agriculture Instructor at both Liberty and Odessa, Missouri. He and his wife Betty live near Hallsville, MO and his primary hobby is collecting and restoring old farm tractors.

About The Jay B. Dillingham Awards

Each year, the Council recognizes two leaders—one in Kansas, and one in Missouri— with the Dillingham Award. The award recognizes individuals who “embody the entrepreneurial spirit and drive the economic growth of the Heartland’s agribusiness industry.”

The Award for Agricultural Leadership and Excellence is named in honor of the late Jay B. Dillingham, who epitomized the qualities recognized by the award. Dillingham was president of the Kansas City Stockyards as well as the Chamber of Commerce for both Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas. The agribusiness institutions which Dillingham first established and led would evolve into the modern Agricultural Business Council.

The Agricultural Business Council first presented the Dillingham Awards in 2009. The 2024 recipients were Dr. Scott Brown, and the late Cliff Becker.

For more information and to RSVP click here.

Latest News & Updates in KC Agriculture - February 2025


The University of Missouri-Kansas City was named a Research 1 (R1) institution by the Carnegie Foundation on February 1. That status is given to universities with the highest level of research activity. UMKC joins the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri-Columbia as regional R1 universities. With this new designation, UMKC becomes the metro area's first top-ranked research university, which in turn could bring more funding possibilities and talent to the area. “It means we can attract and retain national and world-class researchers, more funding, better graduate students, and partner up with other peer institutions to get and receive grants and contracts,” UMKC trustee Dick Flanigan said. To achieve R1 status, schools must spend $50 million on research and award 70 research doctorates annually. Source: Kansas City Business Journal, February 13, 2025.

Green Bay, Wisconsin-based American Foods Group announced that its greenfield beef harvest facility, America’s Heartland Packing, is in the final stages of construction. The $800 million state-of-the-art mixed cattle facility based in Wright City, Missouri, will begin operations in April 2025. The project broke ground in 2022, laying the foundation for the 775,000-square-foot plant that will include a harvest floor, carcass chillers, fabrication area, rendering, further processing area, storage coolers, freezers, and loading docks. The company will have the capacity to process 2,400 head of cattle per day once fully operational. “America’s Heartland Packing is a game changer for Missouri agriculture,” said Chris Chinn, director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture. “The impact of this plant not only reaches producers but also feed stores, farm supply stores, and veterinary clinics in towns across the area as producers retain cattle for processing. We welcome American Foods Group and thank them for bringing this family-owned business to Missouri.” The new facility is projected to create 1,300 jobs when at full capacity. By building within Missouri’s robust agricultural community, AFG looks to bring beef processing closer to cattle production, reducing costs and energy usage.

Farm Journal, based in Lenexa, Kansas, has acquired the Moving Iron Summit and Moving Iron podcast. Casey Seymour, Moving Iron’s co-founder, will take on the role of general manager of machinery, which includes the Machinery Pete and Moving Iron brands. The acquisition and combination of Machinery Pete and Moving Iron create the most powerful source for actionable insight about agricultural equipment in the country. Farm Journal completed the Moving Iron acquisition in January. The company also completed its acquisition of Machinery Pete at that time. Previously, Farm Journal had been a majority investor in Machinery Pete. “Farm Journal has served both agriculture producers and agriculture equipment dealers for years as a partner in Machinery Pete,” said Prescott Shibles, CEO of Farm Journal.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) and Sen. Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) reintroduced the Promoting Precision Agriculture Act, which would facilitate further adoption of precision agriculture technologies for farmers and ranchers. The bill would encourage the government to work with the private sector to develop voluntary interconnectivity standards and prioritize the cybersecurity needed to support innovation in the agriculture industry. “Farmers and ranchers are always looking for ways to improve their operations, especially in states like South Dakota, where agriculture is the backbone of our economy,” said Thune, who has helped write four farm bills throughout his time in Congress. He will continue introducing farm bill proposals ahead of the current bill’s expiration in September 2025.

Ames, Iowa-based Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) and the Supporters of Agricultural Research Foundation announced on February 10 that they will combine their operations to advance agricultural science and innovation. Through their agreement, CAST will acquire SoAR’s assets, and all SoAR materials will be integrated into CAST’s website. The effort will combine SoAR’s impactful policy and research initiatives with CAST’s extensive network of experts and communication capabilities. As a leader in communicating science-based information to policymakers, industry leaders, the media, and the public, CAST will expand on SoAR’s legacy of advancing agricultural scientific breakthroughs. CAST is a nonprofit organization established in 1972 to provide a scientific voice for agriculture. It provides credible, unbiased, science-based information about food and agriculture to policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public. CAST convenes and coordinates networks of experts to assemble, interpret, and communicate credible, unbiased, science-based information. “This agreement represents a shared vision to elevate the importance of agricultural research,” said Chris Boomsma, CEO at CAST.

U.S. farmers retained their post-election optimism at the start of the new year. The January Purdue University-CME Group Ag Economy Barometer Index rose 5 points above December to a reading of 141. The barometer’s rise was primarily attributable to a 9-point rise in the Current Conditions Index, while the Future Expectations Index rose just 3 points. Compared to recent surveys, fewer producers this month pointed to lower crop and livestock prices as a top concern, which helped explain why producers felt better about the current situation. The shift in attitudes was attributable in part to an improvement in crop prices from the December to the January survey. Although producers’ appraisal of the current situation improved in January, U.S. farmers remain markedly more optimistic about the future than the current situation, as the Future Expectations Index this month was still 47 points above the Current Conditions Index. The January barometer survey took place from January 13–17, 2025.

Following her Senate confirmation, Brooke Rollins was sworn in as the 33rd U.S. Secretary of Agriculture on Thursday, February 13, 2025. “It is the honor of a lifetime to serve as the nation’s thirty-third Secretary of Agriculture—and a privilege beyond description to have the trust of President Donald J. Trump and the opportunity to advance his agenda. I am thrilled to lead the United States Department of Agriculture and to serve the people of this country,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins. “Every day, I will fight for American farmers, ranchers, and the agriculture community. Together, we have a historic opportunity to revitalize rural America and to ensure that U.S. agriculture remains the best in the world for generations to come.”

The Kansas Corn Growers Association thanked the full Kansas congressional delegation for cosigning bills introduced in the U.S. Senate and House to allow year-round sales of E15 (15 percent ethanol) fuel nationwide. “Our full congressional delegation understands the importance of leveling the playing field for ethanol by removing unnecessary limits for the sale of E15 fuel to benefit consumers, farmers, and the Kansas economy,” Kansas Corn Growers Association CEO Josh Roe said. “This bill has broad industry support from corn, ethanol, and oil organizations.” The bipartisan Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act was introduced in the Senate by Deb Fischer (R-NE) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and in the House by Representatives Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Angie Craig (D-MN). Kansas Senators Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall cosponsored the bill. On the House side, District 1 Rep. Tracey Mann; District 2 Rep. Derek Schmidt; District 3 Rep. Sharice Davids; and District 4 Rep. Ron Estes cosponsored the bill. An outdated federal rule restricts the sale of E15 in the summer, the peak driving season. This legislation would allow summer E15 sales, providing consumers with year-round access to a lower-cost, higher-quality fuel. “Kansas Corn has been successful in helping fuel retailers increase the availability of E15, with over 150 stations across Kansas offering E15 and higher blends. Unfortunately, every year we have been forced to rely on emergency waivers to allow the use of E15 in the summer. This legislation would ensure consumers across Kansas and the United States will have year-round access to this cleaner, higher-octane, lower-priced fuel,” Roe said.

A new analysis from CoBank finds that growing domestic consumption will have only modest effects on overall U.S. ethanol demand, and exports will drive industry growth. U.S. ethanol has been a rare bright spot in agricultural trade in recent years. In 2024, exports reached a new peak of 1.9 billion gallons, up around 510 million gallons from 2023. The CoBank report argues this export growth “had a greater impact than the incremental increases in domestic use of higher-level ethanol blends.” More than a half dozen U.S. trading partners have blend rate targets above their current levels—including the European Union, Canada, and Colombia. Further, the U.S.’s largest competitor in international markets, Brazil, is increasingly diverting ethanol for use in the domestic market. Accordingly, the report anticipates annual U.S. exports could grow further in 2025 and 2026 to more than 2 billion gallons. However, the report says much could depend on continued renewable fuel incentives in foreign markets, electric vehicle adoption, and tariff retaliation. “Political sentiment abroad may dampen some ethanol inclusion rates if nations roll back low-carbon policies or miss biofuel targets,” the report says. However, with global demand set to continue its upward trajectory, the U.S. industry “is positioned for continued growth.”


The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) will host its 2025 Annual Conference – Securing Our Future: Don’t Just Talk…Act! – at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center in Kansas City, Missouri, from April 7–9, 2025. The agenda focuses on maintaining trust across animal agriculture’s value chain. For more than 100 years, NIAA has convened animal agriculture leaders to address the most pressing questions and issues in animal agriculture. Work from NIAA’s councils and working groups allows stakeholders to work on topic-specific issues that affect social license and trust in animal agriculture. The 2025 conference theme and agenda will provide a space for deeper dives into topics like agriculture legislation, license to operate, the latest consumer insights, and having a united voice to secure animal agriculture’s future. For more information: Visit or contact Morgan Young, Director of Communications and Outreach for NIAA, at

AdFarm will host Farm Voice Live on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, in Kansas City’s historic Union Station for an insightful afternoon of industry leaders and producers discussing ideas and innovations driving growth for their businesses and strengthening rural communities. The event will run from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a happy hour at Harvey’s in Union Station from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Register at

The 112th Annual K-State Cattlemen’s Day takes place Friday, March 7, at the National Guard Armory, 721 Levee Dr. in Manhattan, KS. The program includes a trade show and educational exhibits, genetic modifications in livestock, a beef industry economic outlook, unwrapping meat labels, FSIS updates, and consumer trends. For more information, contact Katie Smith at 785-532-1267 or

The University of Missouri Extension’s Annual Agricultural Lenders School will take place June 2–5, 2025, on campus in Columbia. This multi-day training is specifically designed for early-career lenders or those new to agricultural loans. Attendees will learn about essential topics in agricultural finance and obtain resources to improve their lending decisions and serve farm clients effectively. Since 2000, the Agricultural Lenders School has trained more than 750 lenders from across the nation. Attendees will learn from industry experts and MU faculty and be introduced to concepts through case studies, interactive exercises, and presentations. Topics will cover financial statements, credit analysis, managing risk, emerging issues in agricultural finance, and more. More information at or contact Ryan Milhorn at 573-882-0688; Space is limited; registration before the May 12 deadline is encouraged.

Registration is now open for the 2025 Dam Safety Conference hosted by the Dam Safety Program in the Division of Water Resources at the Kansas Department of Agriculture. The biennial conference will be held in Manhattan, Kansas, on March 20 at the K-State Alumni Center. The conference is open to the public and welcomes dam owners, design engineers, technicians, and maintenance and operations employees involved with the design, construction, modification, or operation of dams. Attendees will benefit from the opportunity to gather with technical professionals in the dam safety field to discuss and learn about current projects, concerns, and other relevant topics. For more information, email (reference “Dam Safety Conference” in the subject line) or call the Water Structures Program at 785-564-6650.

Registration details:

  • Registration and the conference agenda can be found at:

  • Cost: $75 per person.

  • Registration deadline: March 7.

  • Professional development hours and/or continuing education units will be available for Licensed Professional Engineers and Certified Floodplain Managers.

People across the country celebrated National FFA Week from Saturday, February 15, through Saturday, February 22. This event gives the organization’s more than one million members, as well as alumni and supporters, the opportunity to come together with the common goal of sharing FFA’s value and impact from their own hometowns. “National FFA Week serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role that agricultural education and leadership development play in shaping our future,” said National FFA Advisor Dr. Travis Park. “It’s a time of celebration and reflection as FFA members, advisors, and supporters come together to honor the impact of this extraordinary organization. National FFA Week strengthens the bond between members and their communities, ensuring the legacy of agriculture and education thrives for generations to come.”


The Missouri Soybean Association promoted Casey Wasser to deputy executive director. He will retain his position as chief operating officer of the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council. He will work closely with Ben Travlos, Missouri Soybeans’ director of policy in Washington and Jefferson City, Missouri.

The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy elected Dennis Rodenbaugh as board chair. He has been president and chief executive officer at Dairy Farmers of America since June 2022. Rodenbaugh succeeds Leprino’s Mike Durkin, who had served as chair since 2023. Other officers are Brad Anderson of California Dairies as vice chair, Sheryl Meshke of Associated Milk Producers as treasurer, Ron Dunford of Schreiber Foods as secretary, and Heather Anfang of Land O’Lakes and Joe Diglio of Michigan Milk Producers.

James Marren has joined the office of House Agriculture Committee member Rep. Tracey Mann (R-Kan.) as a press assistant. He recently graduated from Duke University.
Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

The National Corn Growers Association hired Lane Howard as director of biofuels. He previously managed market development at the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council. He is an alumnus of the University of Missouri.
Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

Will Bensur left the office of Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall, where he served as press secretary. Bensur joined Firehouse Strategies as a vice president.
Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

Regenerative agriculture consulting firm Understanding Ag, LLC, based in Republic, Missouri, has named Burke Teichert as managing partner and Jim West as director of operations. A world-renowned expert on adaptive grazing and ranching economics, Teichert will join UA founders Gabe Brown and Allen Williams, Ph.D. In his decades-long career, Teichert has managed cattle ranches in a variety of locations and has had managerial oversight of two large farms and a dairy. He has also traveled extensively in the U.S., Canada, Central and South America, England, Australia, and New Zealand, either on company business or as a consultant or speaker. “Dr. Teichert is highly respected throughout the agricultural industry, and his extensive practical know-how and insightful vision will be invaluable in guiding UA into the future,” Dr. Williams said. West previously served as the senior vice president for operations, providing engineering services and information systems integration and resilience support at one of the largest federal government services companies. Additionally, he actively served for 24 years in the Marine Corps as an intelligence, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare officer.

Tom Brandt left the office of Kansas Republican Sen. Jerry Moran, where he had been communications director and deputy chief of staff. Brandt joined the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a communications professional.
Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall hired Mary Kirchner as scheduling director. Kirchner previously worked at TAG Strategies LLC and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture has appointed Suzanne Ryan-Numrich to serve as director of the KDA Division of Agriculture Marketing, Advocacy, and Outreach. The Division of Ag Marketing serves Kansans through efforts to retain and grow farms, ranches, and agribusinesses; expand the Kansas agriculture industry; assist rural Kansas communities; and raise awareness of and appreciation for agriculture.Ryan-Numrich has spent the last 10 years as the agency’s international trade director. In this role, she has worked directly with several state, national, and international trade groups and organizations, including serving on the USDA Technical Advisory Committee for Animals and Animal Products, advising the U.S. Secretary of Agricultureand United States Trade Representative on agricultural trade issues. She has organized over 150 trade missions promoting Kansas agriculture in more than 30 countries.

“Suzanne has been a dedicated member of our ag marketing team for a decade,” said Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam. “She not only has a vast knowledge of the agriculture industry in Kansas, but she has developed strong relationships with agriculture organizations across the U.S. and beyond. She will be a tremendous asset to KDA in her new role as Division Director of Ag Marketing.”

Digging Deeper...

The U.S. beef cattle industry is currently in its fifth year of declining numbers, falling 2% in 2024 to 28 million going into 2025. That is a drop of 150,000 from 2023 and 3.5 million short of 2019, according to Kevin Good, vice president of market analysis at CattleFax. Historically speaking, this inventory is the lowest since 1961, according to USDA data. “Some of the top analysts in the industry do not expect the beef-cow sector to return to 2023 levels for three to four more years,” says Abbi Prins, an industry analyst at Colorado-based CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange.
By Dennis McLaughlin, McLaughlin Writers LLC.
Sources: Farm Journal’s AgWeb Unscripted Podcast, February 10, 2025; CoBank, Abbi Prins, CoBank’s 2025 Year Ahead Report; Kevin Good, vice president of market analysis, CattleFax, February 5, 2025; Darrell Peel, Ph.D., Oklahoma State Extension Specialist for Livestock Marketing, The Cattle Range, January 2025; Stephen Koontz, Ph.D., Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, citing information from USDA’s Cattle Report, January 31, 2025.

Rebuilding Beef Cattle Herd Could Take A While

Appearing on AgWeb’s Unscripted podcast this month (February 10), Dan Basse, president of Chicago-based AgResource Company, said the escalation of cattle prices would continue. “I don’t think this cycle is over for another two-and-a-half or three years,” he said. American ranchers have embraced the windfall. “This is going to keep going on. I don’t think cattle [prices] have hit their all-time highs yet.” That is good news for American ranchers, he stated.

Falling feed costs and rising producer margins have renewed expansion interest in animal protein segments, researchers at CoBank explained. However, labor, construction, and land costs remain elevated, tempering expectations for any meaningful supply growth in the near term. “U.S. beef cow herd expansion is not expected to start until 2026 or 2027. The smaller herd will further support higher feeder and fed cattle prices in the coming year,” the researchers reported.

“With consumers now pushing back on beef prices already near historic highs,” said Abbi Prins, “packer margins will remain under pressure well into 2025.”

According to Farm Journal’s January Ag Economists’ Monthly Monitor, “Shrinking supplies and strong demand are the two major drivers of the historic run in cattle prices.” EMM’s economists are most bullish on cattle in 2025 among the 10 major commodities they surveyed recently.


The first quarter of the calendar year is typically soft for cattle and beef markets—but not this year. Live cattle futures and cash live weights have traded above $2 per pound, said Stephen Koontz, Ph.D., Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University.

“With information from USDA’s Cattle Report (January 31),” he noted, “the supply side of the market outlook for 2025 is fairly straightforward—tight supplies are here to stay, and there is no substantial evidence of herd building.”

When herd building does commence, then heifers in the feeder mix will be reduced, Dr. Koontz added. “And this will further tighten supplies.” Basse thinks the market could see some short-term price volatility. “Cash cattle will make higher highs as we look toward the fourth quarter of this year,” he said.

Herd Building Dynamics

The latest findings in recent cattle reports and surveys confirm that the beef cow herd continued its five-year contraction in 2024.

Darrell Peel, Ph.D., Oklahoma State Extension Specialist for Livestock Marketing, in a report published by The Cattle Range—an internet platform that provides cattle information and market news—wrote that “cow culling will determine herd dynamics in 2025, and heifer retention in 2025 can set the stage for some herd growth beginning in 2026.”

In 2024, cow culling decreased sharply to 10.2%, about equal to the long-term average. It is headed in the right direction, Dr. Peel said, but will need to drop further to 9% or below for two or more years. “That would indicate a herd expansion.”

More critical, he noted, is the heifer retention part of herd rebuilding. “Heifer retention has declined continuously since 2021,” said Dr. Peel, “and has not yet begun to increase, as is required for herd expansion.”

Prospects for herd growth in 2025 are limited. Part of the replacement heifer inventory is the number of bred heifers available this year. That number, he explained, was 2.92 million head, down 1.7% year over year and the smallest in data going back to 2001.

With this supply of bred heifers, cow slaughter will have to decrease at least 7% year over year just to hold the beef cow inventory stable for the year. That would imply a cow culling rate of 9.3% for the year. “A cow culling rate less than that,” he claimed, “will be required for even fractional herd expansion in 2025.”

The supply of bred heifers is pretty well set for 2025. There is little that the beef industry can do to change herd growth prospects in the short run. The inventory of heifers saved for breeding was also determined in the Cattle Report at 1.75 million head.

“These heifers can be bred to calve in 2026,” he said. Producers may decide to breed some additional heifers in 2025, but this impulse breeding can augment the supply of bred heifers for 2026, Dr. Peel warned. Impulse heifer breeding was an important part of the rapid herd expansion from 2014–2019.

This impulse heifer breeding would utilize heifers currently counted as part of the "Other Heifer" category in the 2025 cattle inventory. “In other words, increased impulse heifer breeding will reduce available feeder cattle supplies on a one-for-one basis in 2025.”

Cow culling will determine herd dynamics in 2025, Dr. Peel claims. “But that will depend on what producers are trying to do and what Mother Nature will let them do.” Drought remains a lethal threat. The beef cow herd could stabilize, decrease more, or maybe even increase slightly in 2025.

Heifer retention in 2025 could set the stage for some herd growth beginning in 2026. “The inventory of replacement heifers suggests that there are few plans for increased heifer breeding going into 2025,” he concludes, “but impulse heifer breeding during the year may result in additional bred heifers for 2026.”

But it all hinges on what producers are trying to do—and whether drought might limit their plans.

USDA Cuts Funding for Ivanhoe Neighborhood Farmers Market

One day after taking office, USDA’s newly confirmed Secretary Brooke Rollins canceled all the department’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) programs. Included in the broad mandate was Kansas City’s Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council (INC), which last fall had been granted $165,000 over three years to fund its community garden and learning farm and to expand its farmers market.

The INC — which currently provides a community garden, learning farm, and farmers market from June through September — was planning to use the funds to expand its farmers market by supporting local Kansas City growers through training and networking. The grant would have also partially funded the market manager's salary and a new part-time assistant market manager's compensation.

USDA Secretary Rollins cited diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the termination document sent to INC’s executive director, Alana Henry, on Valentine’s Day. But Ivanhoe was not the only organization or community to receive the bad news.  Secretary Rollins announced that the USDA had terminated 78 contracts valued at $132 million, and was reviewing 1,000 more.

In a statement, the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council said it is both shocked and saddened that its farmers market has been defunded. The three year Farmers Market Promotion grant was aimed at sustaining and expanding the farmers market and increasing local food production.  The INC was also going to fund business training for minority growers.

“This decision threatens access to fresh, locally grown food for our community and impacts urban farmers, vendors and families who rely on this market as a vital resource. Food access should not be a political issue – it’s a human right,” noted the INC officials.

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas said the city will work with the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council to see where it can offer support. "This is not some random luxury; this is food. This is food for the people in the urban core of our city," he said.

The Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council is looking for volunteers and donations; it hopes to continue the expansion of its farmers market despite the termination of its grant. Alana Henry is asking that anyone interested in getting involved or providing financial support contact INC at More information is available at

Legal Issues That Could Affect Agribusiness in 2025

The Ag Business Council’s Annual Legal Update took place virtually, featuring several experts on legal issues facing the agriculture industry. Law firm Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner hosted the event, with opening remarks by BCLP partner Bob Thompson. The webinar was moderated by Zach Helder, Ag Business Council Director of Member Services.

Elsa Manzanares, partner at Stinson in Dallas, opened the program, saying, “You can expect tariffs to come out on day one of the Trump administration.” Regulatory risks associated with transactions involving China, she said, will continue to dominate international trade compliance considerations for U.S. companies. “China remains the long-term focus of U.S. national security and economic interests.”

Manzanares advises clients and legislators on U.S. and international regulations related to imports and exports. She has argued cases before the U.S. Court of International Trade, and was appointed to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to review antidumping and countervailing duty disputes under Chapter 19 of NAFTA. Aiming her advice at the international sector of the ag industry, she noted that “the fundamentals remain the same:”

  • Review harmonized tariff classifications

  • Implement a comprehensive trade compliance program

  • Understand your risk profile

  • Review guidance published by regulatory and governing agencies

Roger McEowen, Kansas Farm Bureau Professor of Agricultural Law and Taxation at Washburn University School of Law, directed his remarks on tax issues to farmers, livestock producers, agribusinesses and rural landowners, whose concerns are focused on what’s happening down on the farm. “The never-ending stream of legal and tax issues facing farmers and ranchers continues unabated,” he said. There’s never a dull moment, McEowen added. He hinted that a new farm bill could include revisions to the way IRS Section 180 might provide tax deductions for certain land purchases and land use expenses.   

Turner Polzin, CPA and Principal at Kansas/Arkansas-based Adams Brown Wealth Consultants, said the key to developing a successful succession plan is to start early. “And talk, talk and talk,” he emphasized. He was referring to how important it is that family and business partners have a clear understanding of the situation and where family heirs and non-familial heritors fall in line. All involved need to know the difference between fair and equal, Polzin explained. Simply put, if one sibling has worked the farm as a lifetime occupation and intends to continue maintaining it, he or she is probably entitled to a larger share of the inheritance. But such details require professional guidance.

Luke Guetterman, CPA, a tax advisor at Forvis Mazars, one of the largest public accounting firms in the U.S., focused his presentation on some provisions in the federal tax statutes that will be sunsetting in 2025. He noted that the yearly inflation adjustment for federal income tax brackets would increase by roughly 2.8%. That adjustment is relatively more favorable than 2024’s 5.4%. “There will also be the expiration of the Qualified Business Income Deduction and reductions of the Lifetime Estate Exemption,” he noted.

Chicago-based Brett Legner, of counsel with law firm Mayer Brown and a professor of law at Loyola University Law School, discussed the Loper Bright case—a landmark Supreme Court ruling on federal administrative agencies’ power to interpret and federal laws with deference from the judiciary. In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS rejected the Biden administration's argument that existing precedent, known as Chevron Deference, protected agencies as they adjudicated laws written by Congress. SCOTUS suggested individuals and private entities had a right to defend themselves from civil penalties before a jury. The justices argued the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees a right to a trial before a jury of peers, applies to cases involving administrative penalties. The decision has the potential to put additional limits on federal and state agency authority. “Administration change will affect current rules like WOTUS and other environmental regimes,” he said. “Many things are on hold right now.”